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Thursday, April 25, 2019

Hairpin turns--the adrenaline rush.  What is your favorite ride with the most hairpin turns, or your least favorite?  As the backseat driver I hate heights, so any road that puts me near the edge has me slinking down in my seat and leaning (I know you are not supposed to lean) to the inside edge of the road and saying a prayer that God will look out for us.  Add in hairpin turns and I just about can’t breathe, my heart is thudding, and I have a death grip on the back of my husband’s jacket. 

No, we are not going to Norway to do this ride! I just thought it might be interesting for those of you who are real adventure junkies and want bragging rights.  Trollstigen, Norway, is a narrow mountain road with a 9% gradient and 11 hairpin turns. Fog, poor traction and limited visibility during rain make the road even more dangerous for riders; but, at sixty-two miles long with an elevation gain of over two thousand eight hundred feet, it would certainly be an interesting, if terrifying, ride!

I will convince my driver to stick to calmer roads like Chuckanut Drive or Highway 2 over the Cascades (Washington’s Alps!) and leave the Trollstingen to someone else.

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