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Monday, May 24, 2010

Good Times with Friends

Taco Thursday

Larry and I met a group of friends for a Taco Thursday dinner at the Moose Lodge. There was no formal HOG chapter dinner ride planned so we did an impromptu…sort of…dinner get together. Although it rained, correction, it poured with the wiper blades on the cage going full blast and still barely able to see out the windshield and even though we had to drive the cage, any time you can meet friends and share a meal and socialize, it is a good thing. We took a chance on the wheel to win a prize and wouldn’t you know it I had numbers 24 and 26, and number 25 won. Oh well, it was for a good cause, only cost a dollar a shot, and I had fun. Dinner was good, friends were excellent, and that is the way to end an evening.

Mt. Baker Harley-Davidson Pancake Breakfast

The HOG chapter lunch ride was cancelled due to a possibility of rain. The shop had already planned a pancake breakfast to happen before the ride began and it is was a great morning to meet up with friends and see if anyone wanted to do a short lunch ride.

When we pulled up in front of MBHD, Larry said through the intercom on the bike that John and Kathy were back from California. They also own a trike and are just returning from spending the winter in California as snowbirds. They have family is southern California and ride with the local HOG group and the Black Sheep. It is good to have friends back home.

We saw lots of friends, most whom must have arrived when the doors opened at MBHD to enjoy the pancakes choosing not to arrive fashionably late as we did--showing up on our freshly washed red Tri Glide after most folks had been through the breakfast line at least once. When I entered the shop, Larry was sitting with Joe E. who we had not seen in awhile. I asked Joe if he had recently been to Las Vegas, because I thought I saw him at a distance in the airport as I was returning home from visiting my daughter and her family. Yes it was Joe; he said he was on his way to check out snowbird locations for next year.

If the weather would hold and next winter was as mild as this winter, and all I needed was my heated liner to ride and stay comfortable, then maybe I wouldn’t be looking at snowbird locations for Larry and me when he retires.

Greg Head, the new owner of Mt. Baker Harley-Davidson, was doing some promotional videos of his customers and asked if we would comment on why we like doing business at MBHD. Art was our example as he did his interview right before us, and he did a fine job. Larry and I took our turn and slowly other friends came down to the make-shift studio in the basement to do their video segment.

Back upstairs we continued to visit with friends (Dave & Lorie, Dave N. Martin, Doug, Roger Y. Mark W. Joe, Mike L., Stephen, Vince, Dana & Mike, Mike & Chris, Ron & Lorri, Jerry, Rick & Joan, Mike P., Mike S., and Vern) both inside the shop and those who had spilled out onto the sidewalk enjoying the sunshine that was warming up the day. Seems like when the chapter lunch ride was cancelled, everyone sort of decided to show up at the shop for pancakes and then take care of their errands and chores for the rest of the day. With no one planning a short lunch ride, Larry and left to take the long way home and take care of our chores.

We rode out Marine Drive, Red River Road, Douglas Road, and stopped at the Twisted S Bison ranch and store to purchase some buffalo meat sticks. If you haven’t ever stopped in to visit with Jim and Robin Sanford you are missing a great opportunity. Nice people and Abby the English springer spaniel will come out to greet you. Need fresh farm eggs? They have a whole brood of chickens in the coop next to the store and it is fun to watch them. Inside the store is a tanned buffalo hide, hand painted with the circle of life by Sonja Holy Eagle.

Cornwall Church

Well when you thought maybe the week couldn’t get any better, we show up at Cornwall Church Saturday night and there were Patti and Mike to greet us with smiles and hugs. Walk inside and there is Melissa and the biggest surprise was Larry B. sitting in the lobby. Happy birthday Larry B.

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